Friday, October 9, 2009

What is symptoms of depression?

Symptoms of depression
refers to an array of abnormal variation in the mood of a person.Depression is more than just a feeling of being sad or blue. A person who is depressed usually shows feelings of guilt, loss of pleasure or interest, depressed mood, low self worth, loss of appetite, and low energy.

Symptoms of depression.

It is not easy to find the most ordinary symptoms for depression.It is hard because there are lots of symptoms that you may come across.The first thing to know about symptoms of depression is that it is not just in your head. Depression is, in fact, a whole body disease that affects multiple systems.Depression can cause or exacerbate many physical symptoms, including headaches, backaches, diarrhea or constipation, abdominal pain, and aching joints.Only a doctor can diagnose depression, and if you are suffering from what you believe to be depression, you should make an appointment immediately.Fortunately, treatment for symptoms of depression is usually very effective. Treatments can include medication, talk therapy, or any other approach that you and your health care provider may deem effective. It’s important that you realize that the diagnosis and treatment of depression should only be left to trained medical professionals.However,you still have to know about the symptoms of depression.Below are few symptoms of depression:-

1.Feelings of hopelessness, withdrawal from family and friends, very low feelings of self worth, bouts of anger or rage, and many others.
2.Melancholy, sadness or a mood of despair, lingering for a long time that limits a child's ability to function normally.
3.Fatigue,headaches,muscle aches,back pain,digestive troubles,sleeping problems and also changes in appetite and weight.
4.Worried thought towards the life.
5.Nonstop extraction from one's enjoyable actions and belongings.
6.Lost interest in most or all of your normal activities, including normally pleasurable ones.
7.Feel agitated or jumpy, or have others noticed that you are more irritable than normal,
8.Thinking about death or suicide more than usual, or have you tried to commit suicide.
9.Low self-esteem.
10.The feeling of worthlessness.

In order to try to prevent symptoms of depression we have to get to know ourselves. There is not a magic formula that can cure depression however there is mediation that can curb the effects associated with it. If you think that you have this disease it is recommended that you see a professional to be evaluated. Often times the disease cures itself over time and other times medication may be required.The signs of symptoms of depression are different for everyone. You have to be aware of anything that is not normal. Think about how you usually act or if it is in someone else, think about the things that they usually do. If something is not adding up, you should ask questions and think about what may be going on.

It is true that symptoms of depression is becoming common. It is a type of illness that is be solved once the symptoms are recognized. However, there are no technical tests that can identify the symptoms of depression. Only symptoms can help you to identify the cause of depression. The doctor is the best person who can help you to solve the symptoms of depression.

Symptoms of depression

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